Thank you to everyone who has supported our community broadband project by investing in F4RN.
We’ve now raised over £113,000 and have 100 people who have signed up to take up the broadband service as soon as it is available, with more planning to join us as soon as their existing contracts are complete.
This is fantastic and, as agreed at the open meeting last week, we’ve met both the criteria needed to start the project.
The plan now will be to cash the investors’ cheques and collect the investment made through the Microgenius site. Please make sure you have the funds available as we will start drawing down the investment next week (from 25th April onwards).
With the funding in place we can start ordering equipment, arrange for the professional network survey and order the connection onto the national fibre optic backbone.
In the coming months we will need a lot of help to build the network – particularly when we start to lay the ducting and fibre optic cable. The more volunteers we have the quicker and easier it will be, so please don’t be shy!
Thanks again for your support
Peter Wheeldon
Fibre for Rural Nottinghamshire